Sunday, August 11, 2013

What is your problem?

strain guide

strain guide

There is a strain for every issue. How are you feeling? What desired effect are you looking for? What do you need relief from? Not only do you want something that will do what you need it to, you want to know where it came from, how it was cared for. These are important factors in the quality of your meds as well as how well they will perform their intended job. Keep in mind each person responds differently and what may work well for your friend might not do so well for you. If one specific strain is mentioned for a certain ailment it is not to say it will only help that ailment or that another strain will not work as well. There are many many sites out there that will name certain strains for certain ailments but really it is not that cut and dry. For instance a strain that is named to be great for anxiety may also be wonderful for depression and pain management. What it comes down to is what works best for your own chemistry. I always recommend two strains one for daytime and one for nighttime based on what the patient tells me. For a good generalization it is well to bare in mind that sativas are generally great for focus, add, autism, and depression while indicas are great for depression, pms, anxiety, insomnia, and stress. That is not to say that is all they are good for. What might work well for your friend with depression may cause your own anxiety to skyrocket and vice versa. Personally I know what works well for my needs and I only stick with one strain or one type of strain that being indicas. I always recommend that people try as many different types as they possibly can to pinpoint which will fit them best as there are thousands upon thousands of strains out there many of which perform the same function. My advice to any provider is to ask as many questions as possible. The more we know the better we can fit you with the correct meds. Don't be afraid to ask your provider questions either. A heavily chemically treated flower is not going to benefit you as well as you would like. Treatments can be overdosed and this action can dramatically decrease potency in a plant. Pests will also eat up 20-30% of your potency. It is important for you, as the consumer, to know what happened with your meds. The fact that there are so many strains out there that will perform similar functions and relief for you is a bonus. This will allow you to still maintain relief while enjoying a variety or flavors and potencies. Many people feel if the flower is not extremely potent they are not benefitting. This is not the case. Each flower is genetically written to be a certain potency, the grow can in fact produce maximum potency out of a plant but only so much as is written. This does not necessarily negate it's medicinal qualities. While a properly grown plant will of course be more enjoyable you will still get the relief you need from a piss poor one. Finding a good combination for your own chemistry and ailments, be it dry flower and concentrates or just dry flower, knowledge is power! Pay attention to how each strain you try effects you and don't toss one aside based purely off the look or smell of her. If you are looking to benefit from cbd and cbn properties I suggest you go for a concentrate. The point of extracts is to do just that. Above are a couple good sites to check out that have fairly comprehensive suggestions for different ailments.