Monday, September 8, 2014

Runs of recent past

17.5g Northern Lights
10.7g Liquid Butter Og
10.0g Bubba Kush
2g Shaman
2g Pink Kush
**60/40 Indica Dominent
8.1g total return

17.2g Norhern Lights
30.2g Shaman
18.2g Pink Kush
**74/26 Sativa Dominent
8.3g total return

21g Northern Lights
14g Pink Kush
7g Bubba Kush
**77/23 Indica Dominent
8.8g total return

46g Shaman
14g Northern Lights
**74/26 Sativa Dominent
7.7g total return

21g Northern Lights
14g Pink Kush
9g Shaman
**52/48 Sativa Dominent
7.2g total return

All of these were done with 3 cans of Lucienne Butane Gas and purged for at least 14 hrs in a vacuum chamber. 

My impression of Lucienne...

After research and asking around I decided to give Lucienne butane a try. I am pretty pleased with it. As the research shows it is very clean and light. With a purge that seems more complete and a bit quicker, the finished product is nothing but flower flavor, it does well on maintaining the subtle flavors and aromas of each flower and you can play with your heat with no issues. Slightly heavy on the propane but this purges off very quickly, almost instantly, and I believe it is purely there as a propellant. The quicker purge overall leads me to believe there is much less chance of molecular bonding. I have yet to study this aspect in more depth yet I intend to. The end product is beautiful, tasty, no taste of solvent or film like heavy mouth feel. After only 10hrs in the chamber the bubbles left were water vapor. Much less time from start to finish. No noticeable difference in yeild, if anything I averaged about .7 more per 7g of sugar going in. 

Testing... Testing... 1,2,3

Testing is necessary when you are getting product from somewhere you do not know or trust. You want to pay attention to the pesticide, fungicide, and other chemical levels. Not so much the thc or cbd/cbn. Why? Well each bud is going to have different levels, just as each individual strawberry has different levels of sugar. If your grower is consistent, as they should be, these levels are not so much an issue if the product functions for you. With medicinal oil you want a rough idea of the cbd/cbn content as this is the active ingredient. The testing is great for unknown sources and for a general idea of what one plant as a whole produces as far as potency. Each round, each plant, every single bud will differ when tested. The important thing to take away from any result is the amount of toxins in the product, especially systemic issues. This is why growers need to be held to the same standards as produce farmers, we would not have to worry about chemical saturation as it is illegal to use these chemicals on plants that are for consumption. It clearly states on the labeling that those chemicals are for ornamental plants only NOT for consumables. I test my flowers maybe once or twice a year to assure I am reaching the generally range of potency for that strain. There is no need for me to regularly test as I am familiar with my strains and I do not use chemicals of any sort. I will be going into this further with my chemical articles. It will be a multi-part article and post.